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Cupping Treatment

Blading / Cupping

Blades provide deeper penetration of adhesions and scar tissue and can be used for joint pain, injury, lower back or neck pain. This method of treatment is an incredible modality to increase movement in interfacial layers that build scar tissue over time.

Myofasical Blading

What does fascial blading do?

The fascial blade gently breaks down the scar tissue, both externally and internally, thus correcting joint function, reducing pain, improving flexibility and normalising posture and core stability. This, for many people, can be the ideal solution to aches and pains that may not have resolved with traditional methods. 

Benefits of blading:

  • Removal of scar tissue

  • Improved muscle function

  • Improved performance

  • Eliminate pain, such as knee and spinal



Here are the top 5 reasons to add Cupping Massage to your regular massage treatment:

  1. Is comfortable to receive as compared to other Myofascial stretching techniques

  2. Brings circulation to an area of poor circulation or ischemia

  3. Creates a healthier skin tone and strength to the tissues

  4. Releases blockage of cold stagnated blood from deeper layers that can be a source of pain

  5. Increases flexibility and reduces pain by properly aligning fascia and creating balance internally

Silicone cups can help improve circulation, release fascia and relax muscles. Select the size of cup that best matches the size of the area you want to release. Choose a larger cup for an area like the thigh and back and smaller one for the forearm or foot.Apr 1, 2016

Stretch (add mobility to your massage)

Stretch massage alleviates strain on your joints and has a slew of other benefits, including:


  • Enhanced flexibility

  • Improved posture

  • Increased range of motion

  • Better circulation


Actual Client Testimonial

Crystal is a mirale worker!  Because of a tennis injury in October 2019 I broke my foot.  I broke four metatarsols and separated the lisfranc ligament from the joint which resulted in me having lisfranc surgery.  Ater a year of recovery, physical therapy and a lot of patience I started playing tennis again.   My foot still has some pain and inflammation at times but seeing Crystal once a month has changed my life.  Her expertise in several different massage techiniques allows me to conitinue doing the things I love!  She even helped break down so much scar tissue on the top of my foot that I am able to fit into shoes I thought I’d never be able to wear again! 

- Jennifer C.

Before and After Photos

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